The Case Against Gendered Hiring Quotas

The Case Against Gendered Hiring Quotas

 CEO of JP Morgan Asset Management, Mary Callahan Erdoes, shares why implementing a hiring quota is not a longterm solution to address the lack of women in any field. Original interview from the 2014 Women’s Summit.
 Mary Callahan Erdoes On Perceptions Of Women In The Workplace Mary Callahan Edroes talks through what progress she’s seen in regards to peoples’ perceptions of women in the workplace, specifically within the male-dominated sector found on Wall Street. Original interview from the 2014 Women’s Summit.

Mary Callahan Erdoes On Perceptions Of Women In The Workplace

CEO of JP Morgan Asset Management, Mary Callahan Erdoes, shares why implementing a hiring quota is not a longterm solution to address the lack of women in any field. Original interview from the 2014 Women’s Summit.

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